The 18th Annual Steel Symposium-which is held by Iron & Steel Society of Iran and with the cooperation of the domestic steel units in an industrial city annually winter- held in Kish Island on 23&24&25 February 2016.
This Symposium gathered a large number of steel actives at least For 3days – from the upper executor of the state sector to the largest Steel producer units (State، Semi – private & Private)، the related Companies ، upper & lower industries، experts and… In order to discuss about the recent researches ، the survey of obstacles and Challenges ، the kind of trading and finally the strategies for reaching the goals.
Always, there is an exhibition in the symposium for presenting the recent researches and industrial productions in the various fields of Hardware & software which are used in steel and the related mines Industries. The previous exhibition was held in Ardakan mining & industrial Co. in Ardakan on 24 & 25 February 2015 for 2 days in space of 13000 m2 by participation of 288 domestic companies and 31 foreign companies from Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom(UK), Turkey , India ,Austria, Switzerland ,Sweden , Belarus , Ukraine and China… We are inviting from all of the steel and the related mines managers to attend at this exhibition in order to expose their recent productions for experts.